We are very pleased that you are interested in the breed of Miniature White Schnauzers. The white schnauzer is the most recent colour of this breed and has existed in the Czech Republic since 1991. The white colour arose through an accidental mutation of cells. Since then the breed of miniature white schnauzers has been recognised by DogsNZ and Australia .
In one litter is usually born around 5 puppies. Now-a-days their external qualities are comparable to those of schnauzers of other colours. The miniature white schnauzer is a sporting breed and you will have no problems training it or putting it through agility tests. It's a very clever and docile dog, very friendly towards its own family and kind to children. The White Miniature Schnauzer is a very compact dog, which you can easily take in your car. Overall it is a very healthy breed.
It's coat is trimmed and cut and it does not moult. White Miniature Schnauzers will not drop any hair in your home.
Coat care is easy, make sure you attend your groomer regularly (each 6-8 weeks). You can also learn to groom your own dogs. We are happy to show you how easily this can be done.
The White Miniature Schnauzer is one of the non-allergic breeds.
Born on 22nd Nov 2018, in the Czech Republic. He was 1 of 5 puppies. There were 4 boys and 1 girl. We had the pick of the boys. We did this with the help of his breeder. He has top European bloodlines. He had to stay with his breeder for 9 months before he was allowed to travel to New Zealand. During this time we got regular photos and videos to update us of his progress and milestones.
We were very pleased with everything that we were seeing. He certainly was growing into a very stunning boy.
There was a huge amount of paperwork, vaccinations and tests that all had to be done by specific times right throughout the 9 months.
We were very lucky the breeder who we chose was very experienced and had already exported dogs to 39 different countries. She was very switched on to exactly what needed to be done and when it needed to be done.
We just paid the money.
We were very lucky that everything was all done correctly and Uffe was now all ready to travel to NZ. This was going to be a huge trip for a little boy to do all on his own.
He was picked up by the transport agent from his home in Prague and driven to Amsterdam where he then flew to Singapore. He had a short break and then flew onto Christchurch NZ. He was one very exhausted little puppy. He had to then spend another 10 days in quarantine before we were allowed to see him. This was the longest 10 days to wait until we could go and bring him home. We did get some photos sent from quarantine but they really upset us as he looked so sad and lost.
As soon as we saw him we fell in love. As he settled in we loved him more and more. We could tell that he had had a very loving family upbringing before he arrived here. He grew up in a family home with 4 children and other dogs.
During the time that he has been here he has shown that he has an amazing temperament and a very loving personality. He has a very laid back attitude to life.
He gets on very well with all the other dogs except for my other stud boy Harvey. We have to keep them separate. We have now got an arrangement that everyone is happy with.
Xafie was born on the 27th March 2019.
The breeder we got Uffe from did this breeding especially for us to breed to Uffe. Everything was going fine until the mother was scanned and they found that there was only 1 baby. The next few weeks were very nerve racking waiting to see what this 1 baby was going to be. Was this 1 baby going to be the wee girl that we were waiting for to add to our breeding plan. The day finally came and the 1 baby was actually the wee girl we were waiting for.
She too had to stay in the Czech Republic for the 9 months with all the tests and vaccinations that Uffe had to have.
We got regular photos and video updates of our little girl. She too grew up with the family and 4 kids in the country.
All puppies that grew up in this home go on what they called “nature walks in the wide open spaces" and fresh air.
When Xafie was about 6 months old we had started thinking that sometime in the near future we would need another breeding girl. I mentioned this to our breeder and amazingly she had foreseen this would happen so she had run on the pick girl from another litter of 6 puppies. She was a week older than Xafie and they had been growing up together all this time.
So now with that problem solved we had to find enough money to bring out another dog. This was not simple thing as it was a lot of money.
We decided to bring them out together.
This is Svarcava Wendy.
She was born on the 22nd March 2019.
This way although they had to travel in separate crates they would have each others company during their time in quarantine.
Now we were getting photos and videos of 2 little girls.
There was a couple of things that we saved a small amount on with them coming together.
They were picked up by the transport agent in Prague and driven to Amsterdam to fly to NZ. They too would have a break in Singapore before continuing to NZ and into quarantine for 10 days. This seemed a lot easier for them because they had each other for company. Easier for us as well.
After the 10 days we picked them up to come home and meet everyone.
They instantly recognized Uffe. They took a little while to settle but after a short time they were getting on with all the other dogs and the cats. Wendy is a little more intense but very loving and is a crazy schnauzer food scoffer. Xafie is more confident and just got on with making friends with all the other girls.
Both girls are getting on very well in our happy schnauzer family.